Mahavir believes that creation, up gradation and maintenance of a good laboratory for Quality control and R&D is the most essential step for the industrial existence for long term. :
Our laboratory is equipped with :
- Autoclave
- HPLC (HP Series 1100 with Chemstation)
- HPLC (Shimadzu LC-2010 AHT)
- Gas Chromatography YL 6000 GC(Young-Lin, Korea )
- Ion Chromatography (Metrohm 761 Compact IC with Chemical suppression)
- Voltametry (757 VA Computrace metrohm)
- Auto Titrator (Metrohm 794 DMS Titrino)
- KF Autotitrator
- pH Meters
- Melting Point Appratus
- UV Chamber for TLC
- Electronic Analytical Balances
- Furnaces
- Ovens